Is Notion Good for Task Management?

Let's see if Notion is Good for Task Management.
Minimalist Avatar of Blog Author Giorgia Dalla Valle
Giorgia Dalla Valle
July 15, 2024

Wondering if is Notion Good for Task Management? In this article you'll find all your answer.

The guilt that accompanies unfinished tasks can be a constant companion: a nagging voice in the back of my mind reminding me of the promises I made to myself and others. Each unchecked item on my to-do list feels like a tiny weight, contributing to the burden of unmet expectations.

If that is your experience too, you may have spent more time than reasonable finding the perfect way to take care of your tasks and to-do list. GTD system, eat the frog, time blocking – there are tons of methods to help people tackle their task list, and even more apps, tools, systems, and planners promising to help you get more done without burnout.

In all this, Notion has started to become pretty popular in the productivity system. As someone whose life has been changed by Notion, I can't recommend it enough; it makes perfect sense to me.

While I don't think Notion is the solution to all your problems, if you are overwhelmed by tasks and to-do lists, and you are asking yourself if Notion is worth the hype and if it's any good for task management, keep reading as I'm going to analyze the pros and cons of using Notion as your task management system.

But first, to assess if Notion is good at helping you get more done, here are the common challenges people face with task management:

Common Tasks Management Challenges:


Disorganization is often the first culprit that leads to scattered lists of to-dos across multiple devices, apps, calendars, and paper notes. This negatively impacts productivity, leading to missed deadlines and increased stress.

How Notion can help: Notion's potential to address these issues lies in its ability to provide a centralized and structured workspace. The pros are that you can have all your tasks, projects, goals, and documents in one interconnected app.

Lack of Collaboration in Task Management

Conventional task management tools often lack good collaboration tools, adding friction to task completion due to communication problems. This is especially true for big teams that need multiple apps for different things.

How Notion can help: Notion's collaborative tools may offer a good solution, giving freelancers, small and big teams, a shared workspace to collaborate and exchange data, information, and tasks quickly.

Difficulty Prioritizing Tasks

Explore the best Eisenhower Matrix Templates for Notion

The struggle to prioritize tasks is a common hurdle in individual productivity. Poor task prioritization can have cascading effects on overall efficiency. \

How Notion Can Help: Notion's flexibility allows users to dynamically set and adjust priorities, offering a dynamic solution to the challenge of determining and adapting to task importance.

Impact on Productivity and Well-being

Having a scattered and inefficient system can harm personal and team productivity and well-being.

How Notion can help: Notion's multifaceted features, such as a versatile workspace, collaborative tools, and customizable databases, contribute to a more organized and efficient task management system.

How Notion Enhances Task Management:

Ok, so how can Notion truly make task management more streamlined, efficient, and less stressful? Let's explore some of the most crucial features.

Versatile Workspace

Notion offers a dynamic and flexible workspace where users can seamlessly switch between views, such as Kanban boards, calendars, and list formats.

The ability to integrate various data types, including text, images, links, and embedded files, creates a comprehensive and adaptable environment.

Collaborative Tools

Notion facilitates real-time collaboration, allowing multiple users to work on the same document simultaneously.

Commenting, mentions, and notification features enhance communication, making it an ideal platform for team collaboration and project management.

Customizable Databases

Users can create custom databases tailored to their specific task management needs. This includes databases for to-do lists, project tracking, and goal setting.

Templates and pre-built structures expedite the creation of databases, offering users a head start in organizing their tasks efficiently.

These key features collectively empower users to mold Notion into a task management powerhouse that aligns with their unique preferences and requirements. The versatile workspace, collaborative tools, and customizable databases form a trifecta of functionalities that set Notion apart in the realm of task management solutions.

Notion for Personal Task Management:

Whether you are a freelancer dealing with clients or an employee working from home, let's take a minute to explore the features that Notion offers for personal task management.

To-Do Lists

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Notion allows users to create dynamic to-do lists, providing the flexibility to prioritize and categorize tasks easily. Because it's flexible, you can have simpler to-do lists with checkboxes or formula-powered databases with advanced features like tagging, filtering, and autosorting. That's where the power of Notion lies – it doesn't force you to make things more complicated than you need to be and adapts to your needs To-do list enough for you? Use that. Need a more advanced and interconnected productivity system that combines goals, project tasks, and notes in one place? You can use that. Also, the drag-and-drop functionality is super useful to rearrange tasks effortlessly based on changing priorities.

Project Tracking

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Most apps are either task managers or project managers, but Notion combines that pretty easily. For example, you can have a database with your project and link the project to your tasks. When you complete a task, the project tracker automatically updates. Again, the visual progress helps you visualize your progress.

Goal Tracking

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Taking care of your tasks, if you think about it, is the micro-level part of the broader aim to achieve your goals. Goal Tracker tracks personal goals within Notion, utilizing databases and progress trackers to visualize their achievements.


Grab a Free Habit Tracker

Explore the best Habit Tracker Template for Notion

As James Clear insightfully states, "We don't rise to the level of your goal, we fall to the level of your system." Being productive is not just about getting things done; it's also about building systems and habits that reduce the friction of getting things done. You can pretty easily use Notion for habit-building and habit-tracking. And having a visual representation of your progress can boost motivation and discipline.

Resources & Bookmarks

Tasks don't live in isolation; to take care of them, we often need to reference other resources like notes, bookmarks, videos, or PDFs. With Notion, you can make it possible.

Notion for Team Task Management:

As a small business owner and self-employed myself, juggling different projects like my personal brand, blogging, social media, and tasks, I never found Notion to be lacking in something I needed. Team Task Management is another world, so let's see how Notion performs for teams. Well, first, understand that most of Notion's revenue comes from teams and enterprises using their premium plan, so they have to do something good, right?

Management within Teams

Notion can easily serve as a collaborative hub where teams can create shared workspaces, collaborating in real-time with notes, comments, and reminders, ensuring that team members stay in sync, and reducing communication gaps. For example, in a task database, it's super easy to assign a specific task to a specific team member, providing transparency on responsibilities.

Tracking Tasks

Tracking tasks is also easy, including due dates and progress indicators that overall contribute to efficient project management.

Notion vs Other Tasks Management Tools

If you are serious about task management and enhancing your productivity, you may have used or considered similar tools, so how does Notion compare with these tools?

Here's a bird's eye overview of the main differences between Notion and other tools.

Notion vs. Trello:


  • Offers a versatile workspace with multiple views (boards, lists, calendars).
  • Supports detailed notes, collaborative editing, and various media integrations.
  • Customizable databases allow for complex organization.


  • Emphasizes a Kanban-style board for task tracking.
  • Ideal for straightforward project management and team collaboration.
  • Lacks extensive note-taking capabilities compared to Notion.

Notion vs. Todoist:


  • Provides a comprehensive workspace for notes, tasks, and collaboration.
  • Allows for customizable task databases and dynamic views.
  • Supports both personal and team task management.


  • Focuses primarily on simple and efficient to-do lists.
  • Integrates with various platforms for ease of use.
  • Lacks the depth of collaborative features compared to Notion.

Notion vs. Asana:


  • Offers a broader range of functionalities beyond task management.
  • Provides extensive customization options for task databases.
  • Suitable for both personal and team-based task organization.


  • Specializes in project and task management for teams.
  • Robust collaboration features, including task assignment and project tracking.
  • Task organization might not be as flexible as Notion's database system.

Notion vs. Microsoft To-Do:


  • More feature-rich, serving as an all-in-one workspace.
  • Offers advanced collaborative tools and note-taking capabilities.
  • Provides a higher level of customization.

Microsoft To-Do:

  • Simplistic interface, focusing on basic task management.
  • Integrates seamlessly with Microsoft 365 for users in that ecosystem.
  • Lacks the depth of features provided by Notion.

Notion vs. Evernote:


  • Extensive collaborative features and a versatile workspace.
  • Allows for dynamic organization of tasks, notes, and databases.
  • Offers more flexibility in terms of task management.


  • Strong in note-taking and organization.
  • Focused on personal productivity and individual note organization.
  • Collaborative features may not be as robust as Notion's.

Notion vs. Wrike:


  • Offers a wide range of features beyond task management.
  • Highly customizable with flexible views and databases.
  • Suitable for both personal and team-based task organization.


  • Specializes in project management and team collaboration.
  • Robust collaboration features and task tracking.
  • May have a steeper learning curve compared to Notion.

Overall, Notion, being the jack of all trades and master of none, could be potentially an issue for users who need specific features. While other tools may specialize in specific areas, Notion's ability to integrate various functionalities positions it as a powerful and flexible solution in the task management landscape. So, consider your specific needs and preferences when choosing between Notion and other task management tools. Something that may be useful is to run some online research by typing your industry or task need to find how others in your industry prefer to use.

Notion Task Management Success Stories:

Success Story From Reddit User [Read the Full Story Here]

[...] I kept on iterating on my system because I value having all the functionality I need in one app instead of trying to keep track of everything across multiple apps.
That's the main reason why I've stuck with Notion and despite its drawbacks and shortcomings I will continue to use it. Personally, I like having everything within one or two mouse-clicks. Even better is having disparate but personally relevant information or inputs all on one page (like meal and exercise tracking alongside daily reading summaries).

How [Mr. Hands] Uses Notion to Prioritize Tasks [Full Story Here]

[I’m using this system of task management for my game Up There They Love, an adult visual novel combined with a character management sim and a card game. Because I am the game’s sole developer, I have to wear many hats. I am the project’s programmer, designer, writer, and (begrudgingly) artist. But when I work on one area, another inevitably falls behind. That’s why it’s so important for me to constantly reevaluate my priorities and make sure that I tackle the work that has the most impact at any given time.]

Success Story of Reddit User Read the Full Story Here

[...] I use Notion for task management. My reasoning is simple: I don’t want 100 applications for different things even if they “do it better”. And this is the purpose of Notion.

Notion Task Management Templates

Most users will find that starting with the right template makes all the difference in the world. You can find tons of free and also premium templates available for Notion.

I use Notion for task management every day, and during the 2+ years I’ve used it, I’ve come to refine and build an all-in-one system that connects goals, tasks, projects, and resources in one dashboard that has everything I need to take care of my tasks and nothing that I don’t need, so I can focus on getting things done instead of managing my tasks and projects.

Ultimate Productivity System

Here are the key features of the Productivity System:

Gain Clarity

Effortlessly organize resources, bookmarks, notes, and more, creating a serene, distraction-free environment. Access vital information instantly to stay on top of your tasks.

Focus Enhancing System

Enhance your productivity Our system includes a Pomodoro timer and a deep focus mode to foster focus, reduce stress, and elevate your self-esteem, ensuring a harmonious work-life balance.

Prioritize Impactul Tasks

Effortlessly manage multiple projects, track your progress, and optimize your planning process using the Eisenhower matrix, so you can give priority to what moves you closer to your goals.

10x Your Productivity

Nothing increases your productivity as a weekly review. This system allows you to reflect, track, and assess your effort, and be more efficient.

Ok, seems like the productivity seeker's dream come true, but is all that glitters gold? Let’s talk about some cons that could potentially be a turn-off for you starting to use Notion for task management.

Explore the Ultimate Productivity System for Notion

Notion Potential Drawbacks and Cons:

Learning Curve:

Drawback: Some users may find Notion's extensive feature set overwhelming initially, leading to a steeper learning curve.

Mitigation: Start with basic functionalities and gradually explore more advanced features. Utilize Notion's help resources, tutorials, and community forums to ease the learning process.

Mobile App Performance:

Drawback: The performance of Notion's mobile app, while generally good, may not match the fluidity of the desktop version for certain complex tasks.

Mitigation: Reserve intricate task management and extensive editing for the desktop version. Use the mobile app for quick updates, checks, and on-the-go access.

No Offline Functionality:

Drawback: Notion's offline functionality is limited, requiring an internet connection for some features.

Mitigation: Plan tasks and create offline-friendly pages in advance. Consider alternative apps for offline task management if this limitation poses a significant challenge.

Cost for Advanced Features:

Drawback: Some advanced features, such as team collaboration and certain integrations, are part of the paid plans.

Mitigation: Evaluate your specific needs against the features offered in the free plan. Consider the value of the paid plan for collaborative tasks and access to premium integrations.

Potential Over-Complexity:

Drawback: Users might inadvertently over-complicate their workspace with excessive databases, views, and links.

Mitigation: Regularly review and simplify your workspace. Consolidate redundant information, and prioritize a clean and straightforward organization to avoid unnecessary complexity.

Tips & Advice on Using Notion as a Task Management Tool

Here are practical tips for users to make the most of Notion's capabilities:

Master Notion's Basics First:

Before diving into complex setups, ensure a solid understanding of Notion's fundamental features. Familiarity with tasks like creating pages, databases, and linking will lay the groundwork for more advanced use.

Customize Your Workspace:

Tailor Notion's workspace to align with your preferred workflow. Utilize customizable views, layouts, and templates to create an environment that suits your unique task management style.

Organize with Databases:

Leverage Notion's database functionality to organize tasks effectively. Experiment with different database types, such as tables, boards, and lists, to find the structure that best fits your needs.

Utilize Templates for Efficiency:

Take advantage of Notion's extensive template gallery. Whether for personal task lists, project management, or habit-tracking, templates offer a quick start and can be customized to suit your specific requirements.

Integrate Third-Party Apps:

Explore the range of integrations Notion offers with other tools and apps. Whether it's calendar apps, project management tools, or note-taking apps, integrating them into Notion can streamline your workflow.

Utilize Keyboard Shortcuts:

Learn and use Notion's keyboard shortcuts to navigate and execute tasks more efficiently. This can significantly speed up your workflow and enhance your overall user experience.

Master Page Linking:

Take advantage of Notion's linking feature to connect related pages and databases. This interconnectivity ensures a seamless navigation experience, particularly in complex projects with multiple components.

Employ Task Properties:

Make use of task properties, such as due dates, tags, and priority levels, to add context and organization to your tasks. This enhances visibility and allows for quick identification of critical items.

Regularly Review:

Schedule regular reviews of your Notion workspace to ensure that it aligns with your evolving needs. Update task statuses, review priorities, and make adjustments as necessary to maintain optimal organization.

Stay Informed About Updates:

Notion regularly updates its features and introduces new functionalities. Stay informed about these updates to leverage the latest tools and improvements for an optimized task management experience.

Is Notion Good for Task Management?

So, in conclusion, the verdict on whether Notion is good for task management is affirmative. The notion, thanks to its versatile features, customizable workspace, and seamless integrations, can be a powerful tool for organizing, tracking, and optimizing tasks. It's worth noting that the aspects that some users may find intimidating in Notion are the same qualities that make it an irreplaceable tool for so many people. While it may lack some advanced or specific features (like offline mode) Notion can and will handle task management and project management without any issues for most user needs. Its sharing and collaborative features place it at the top of the list of apps used by big-time professionals. And overall my verdict is positive.

Stay productive

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