10+ Best Notion To Do List Template (Jan 2024)

Discover the top 10+ customizable Notion to-do list and task list templates to boost your productivity. From daily tasks to project-specific workflows, streamline your productivity with these comprehensive templates. Learn how to create a to-do list in Notion.
Minimalist Avatar of Blog Author Giorgia Dalla Valle
Giorgia Dalla Valle
February 15, 2024

This articles explore the best notion to-do list and task list template.

When I think about productivity, the first thing that comes to mind is a to-do list. With the frantic pace of modern life, there is a constant stream of tasks that need attention. Juggling work, personal life, side hustles, family, hobbies, and household management can quickly become overwhelming, making it feel like there are not enough hours in the day. And let's not forget about deadlines, appointments, and bills that require attention. But don't worry!

The first step in tackling this issue is simpler than it may seem: creating a to-do list. Having a to-do list helps us feel more in control of our daily lives, get more things done, and provides a powerful sense of accomplishment when checking off items from our list.

In this articles I curated what are the best to-do list and task list template for Notion.

Want more Notion templates and updates? Join our mailing list and check out our several other Notion template round-ups! You can also check out our 99+ free templates for Notion article, and our 55+ Aesthetic Templates for Notion article, where you can find even more templates ready to download!

Best To-Do List & Task List Template for Notion

If you have many tasks to manage, you may want to consider using a comprehensive system instead of a simple to-do list. Here are some of the best comprehensive systems available.

Ultimate Life Planner with To-Do List

Organize your mind and life in one place.

Feel as if your life is all over the place? The Ultimate Life Planner will help you organize your mind, streamline your life and achieve your goals.

Stress-Free Way to Organize your Life

It can be overwhelming to balance work, relationships, and personal life. That's why having an efficient planner is crucial. With our Notion Life Planner, you'll have a system designed to help you take control of your schedule and simplify your day-to-day.

Conquer the Day. Unlock your Vision

Cohesive planning across all pages allows you to plan with ease. Plan by day, week, month, and year. Provide two planning systems to accommodate your preferences.

Life Planner Key Features

  1. Comprehensive to-do and task management system
  2. Plan tasks by day, week, month or year.
  3. Access your tasks from multiple page
  4. Interconnected database system

Template Available Here

Task Manager

If you want to stay on top of your to-do list, a task manager is the easiest way to get things done consistently. Sometimes, a simpler system is the best choice. This simple task manager will help you keep track of your tasks for each area of your life.

  1. Designed by Notion Avenue.
  2. Organize your tasks by area.
  3. Free to Duplicate

Template Available Here

Task Architect

Designed by Pascio, a Notion Ambassador, Task Architect is a comprehensive system designed to help you prioritize your to-do list. It is available in three versions: basic, pro, and for teams. You'll find Task Architect to be a valuable ally in your daily productivity.

Task Architect is designed to give you the ability to easily add tasks to a master database. Next, you can prioritize tasks by urgency. The next step is to choose what to do with your tasks (do, delegate, schedule, or delete). Overall, Task Architect is a solid task management system that will help you beat procrastination and get more things done.

Key Features

  1. Comprehensive system
  2. 4-phase workflow
  3. Eisenhower Matrix

Template Available Here

Daily Task

Designed by the Notion Team, this simple task list allows you to manage all your tasks across your personal and work life. With this template, you can capture every to-do and add as much context as you need to get the job done while ensuring nothing falls through the cracks. The kanban board is very useful as it allows you to visualize what you need to do better.


  1. Designed by the Notion Team
  2. Simple & Intuitive System
  3. Free to duplicate

Template Available Here

Spatial Task List

Another simple tool on your list that helps you get more things done. The Spatial Task List is a Notion template designed to help you organize your tasks and daily schedule based on their level of importance and effort required. This task list comes with a section to dump all your future tasks so you can process and prioritize them later.

Template Available Here

Notionable Task Hub

Another well-thought-out task template that integrates some of the most popular productivity systems, such as GTD (Getting Things Done) and the Eisenhower Matrix. Task Hub is a system for scheduling and tracking your tasks, to-do lists, and habits.

What's Included

  • Schedule
  • Habits
  • Goals

Key Features

  1. Integrated system
  2. Recurring tasks
  3. Optimized for Dark Mode

Template Available Here

GTD Notion Template

If you use the GTD method to increase your productivity and streamline your workflow, you may want to consider using a GTD dashboard that is ready to use for Notion. Designed by Easlo, this Getting Things Done Dashboard offers a complete task management system based on the famous David Allen method. This template can efficiently replace most of your apps, being an all-in-one system with task management, inbox, to-do list, project management, and weekly review.

What’s Included

  • Quick Action
  • Inbox
  • Projects
  • Task Manager
  • Reference
  • Weekly Review

Key Features

  1. Minimalist layout
  2. Recently updated with a button
  3. Works well with mobile devices too.

Template Available Here

Weekly To-do List

Simpler system sometime work better than complex one. If you are knew to Notion, and you feel like template are too complicated this Weekly to do list, is a good starting point to familiarize yourself with digital planning.

Template Available Here

Aesthetic To-Do List

Designed by Notion Avenue, this To-Do List Bundle comes with 7 aesthetic colors to choose from. Like the template before, this system is also very intuitive to use and resembles a paper planning experience. You can even export the template as a PDF and print it out!

The daily page features a top priority box, a to-do list that you can check off, and some space for notes. Also, the "@Today" text in the title automatically refreshes according to the current date, so you can easily retrieve your old daily pages.

Color included (Grey, Dark Mode, Purple, Yellow, Pink, Green, Blue)


  1. 7 Theme to Choose from
  2. Simple To use

Template Available Here

Aesthetic Weekly To-Do List

If you prefer a weekly format, you can use this Aesthetic Weekly To-Do List. It includes seven aesthetic colors to choose from. With this template you can plan your week ahead of time and simple click to check out item from your to do list.

Color included (Grey, Dark Mode, Purple, Yellow, Pink, Green, Blue)

Template Available Here

How To Make a To-Do List in Notion

There are different ways to make a to-do list in Notion. The two main systems are using a to-do list block or using a database system with a checkbox property. Let's quickly check the two systems!

Make a To-Do List with Block

To create a to-do list in Notion using the to-do list block, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new page in Notion.
  2. Type "/to-do" to add the checkbox block.
  3. To add multiple to-do blocks, replicate step 2. Alternatively, select the block, open the menu by left-clicking, and select "Duplicate" or use the shortcut (CTRL or CMD + D).
  4. To squeeze your to-do list into a smaller space, create two columns. Select one to-do block, open the menu by right-clicking, select "Turn Into," and then "2 Column." Drag and drop the other to-do blocks into the column.

Quick Tip: To check or uncheck multiple to-do blocks at once, select all the to-do blocks and use the shortcut CTRL + Enter or CMD + Enter on a Mac.

Did you know you can add a reminder to a specific to-do list item without using a database? Simply type "@" followed by a specific or relative date on the same line as your to-do list block. For example, you can type "@Today" or "@Next Monday." Click on the inline date reminder, which will open the calendar view where you can add a time and activate the reminder. The inline date will turn from blue to red to notify you that a reminder has been added.

Create a To-Do List with a Database

If you need more control over your to-do list or task list, using the database feature to create a master task database is highly recommended. While databases may seem complicated at first, you don't need to know everything about Notion to create your master to-do list. Here's how to do it:

  1. Create a new page in Notion.
  2. In the new page, create a new database by typing "/" to summon the block and then typing "Database". Select either "Database Inline" to insert an inline database or "Database Full" to create a page database. Select the table view.
  3. Name the database "To-Do List" or "Tasks", or whatever is most intuitive for you.
  4. Click the "Tags" property and delete it (it's not necessary).
  5. Add a new "Checkbox" property and rename it to "Done".
  6. Double-click the "Checkbox" property to resize it.
  7. Create a new "Date" property.
  8. Enter your tasks, select a due date, and you're done!

Quick Tips:

At this point, you can change the view to make it look cleaner. For example, you can hide the vertical line by opening the Layout setting and unchecked "Show Vertical Line".

You can also switch the view to a list if you prefer. To do this, click the table view called "Table", click "Edit View", and choose "List". When you change the view, some properties may be hidden. To reveal them, go to the database settings, choose "Property", and select the checkbox property.

In conclusion, Notion is a powerful productivity tool that can help you stay organized and get more things done. With the customizable to-do list and task list templates available, you can find the system that works best for you and your unique needs. Whether you are a student looking to organize your academic workload or a professional looking to streamline your workflow, there is a Notion template that can help. So why wait? Start exploring the templates today and take your productivity to the next level!

Frequently asked questions

Below you will find some of the most frequently asked questions.

Can you create recurring tasks in Notion?

Yes, you can now create recurring tasks in Notion thanks to the Recurring Template feature. If you have a task that repeats itself, you can create a new template for it.

Here's how to do it:

  1. Open the template menu.
  2. Select the three dots of the template you want to use as a recurring task.
  3. Click "Repeat" and select the frequency.
  4. The repeat menu will open up, and you can further customize the recurring task. You can choose, for example, the day of the week you want the tasks to be created, the time, and when to create the next recurring template.

Be aware that this feature has some limitations. The most important is that Notion will only create the task on the day, so you will not see that recurring task in your calendar before the day it is due.

Can you use Notion as a task manager/to-do list?

Yes, absolutely! Ever since I discovered Notion, it has become my all-in-one productivity workspace. I use it daily as a task and project manager. Notion is flexible, powerful, and versatile, making it capable of replacing most of your apps and becoming your central hub to streamline your life and increase productivity.