15 Notion Templates Every Business Should Use (2024)

Discover the top 15 Notion templates for your business needs! Streamline your workflow and boost productivity with these comprehensive templates, designed to manage and grow your business.
Minimalist Avatar of Blog Author Giorgia Dalla Valle
Giorgia Dalla Valle
July 15, 2024

Let’s explore the best Notion Template to Grow and Manage your Business.

Running a business requires a lot of effort, passion, and time. Often, chaos can overshadow productivity. Managing all the projects, information, clients, finances, and documents that need organization is not an easy task. Not so long ago, business owners needed to juggle a plethora of software, apps, and systems. This is where Notion comes in, the all-in-one productivity and project management system that has revolutionized how small and big businesses work and manage their teams. Its flexibility allows Notion to adapt to your business scale, enhancing both individual and team efficiency. However, building a full system out of the box can be an impossible challenge and a big time and resource investment. For this reason, picking up a ready-to-use template for Notion can be the best investment of the year for business owners, no matter the size.

So, let's explore some of the Notion templates that you, as a business owner, cannot miss.

P.S. Are you a freelancer? Check the best freelancer template here instead.

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Explore all our Notion Templates Roundup

Best Business Template for Notion

Business Hub for Notion

Business Hub for Notion Template

Let’s start with Business Hub. This is a comprehensive tool that gathers everything you need for your business in one place. Instead of juggling various apps, Business Hub streamlines your tasks and information, transforming Notion into an all-inclusive workspace for your business needs.

Key Features:

  1. All-in-One Workspace: Business Hub lets you manage every facet of your online business, from SaaS and digital products to startups. It's designed to help you organize and oversee a wide array of functions, including products, marketing, growth, team collaboration, projects, strategies, branding, user testing, analysis, and finances – essentially, everything you require to succeed.
  2. Simplify Your Role: Whether you're a leader or a team member in a small or large organization, Business Hub aims to make your job easier, faster, and more effective. It's tailored to enhance collaboration, speed up tasks, and improve overall business performance.
  3. Comprehensive Toolkit: Inside Business Hub, you'll find a range of tools to manage various aspects of your business. This includes brand strategy and identity, sales management with the included SalesPro Suite Template, product and user research, marketing strategies, market research, goal planning, company objectives, KPI tracking, project management through sprints and retrospectives, financial accounting, and a collection of tips, guides, and articles to support your journey.

Overall, Business Hub can 100% consolidates your business operations, making it easier to manage everything from products to finances in a single, organized workspace.

Template Available Here

BusinessMind for Notion

BusinessMind for Notion TEmplate

BusinessMind is an all-in-one Notion system designed for startup founders and digital entrepreneurs. It's your solution to the challenges of scattered tools, disorganized teamwork, and time wasted searching for information. Wondering it BusinessMind is right for you? Let’s see the key benefit?

  1. Clear Visibility: BusinessMind helps you effortlessly organize all your initiatives and resources. Everything you need is easily accessible within seconds, eliminating the frustration of hunting for information.
  2. Maximized Collaboration: Bring together project tasks, resources, and meetings in a single location. This simplifies teamwork and enhances collaboration by centralizing all essential elements.
  3. Personalized Dashboards: Every team member gets a dedicated dashboard tailored to their needs. This dashboard includes information about outcomes, projects, tasks, meetings, and resources, providing a personalized and efficient work hub.
  4. Efficient Knowledge Management: Save time by eliminating the need to search across multiple locations for information. BusinessMind streamlines work through templates, automation, and easy delegation. It also ensures smooth onboarding for new employees.

Template Available Here

Notion Small Business Template

Notion Small Business Template

Runnign a small business, often require as much work as an entreprise especially  if you run it on yoru worn, or with  a small team. Small Busines Template is a practical tool designed to help small business owners get their operations in order, save time and earn more.

What's Included:This template covers all the important aspects of managing a small business. You can use it to track your goals, projects, tasks, clients, newsletters, business management strategies, inventory, finances, content creation, and resources.

Key Features:

  1. Simplicity and Structure: The template provides a clear and organized structure that simplifies the process of managing your business. It's designed to streamline your efforts and help you focus on what matters most.
  2. Customization: Tailor the template to fit your specific business needs. Add your information, set your goals, and adapt the sections to match the unique requirements of your industry and business model.
  3. Comprehensive Monitoring: Keep a close watch on critical aspects of your business. Track your progress, stay on top of tasks and projects, manage client interactions, maintain a handle on finances, and ensure consistent content creation and distribution.

How It Works:

If you need to take control of your operation with a small financial investement, Small Business Template for Notion can be a valid ally.

Template Available Here

Notion Company System

Notion Company System, is a complete system to manage your company inside Notion. The mission? Simplify and streamline your business operations. Here how,

  1. Task Management: Easily manage your tasks by creating to-do lists, setting deadlines, and tracking progress. Delegate tasks, view dependencies, and ensure everyone is aligned toward your business goals.
  2. Project Management: Plan, execute, and monitor projects seamlessly. Break down complex projects into manageable tasks, assign responsibilities, and visualize progress using Kanban boards, timelines, and custom views.
  3. Finance Management: Take control of your finances effortlessly. Track income, expenses, and cash flow. Access monthly and yearly summaries, monitor payroll, and keep your company's financial health in check.
  4. Team Management: Capture team information, assign roles, tasks, and projects. View profiles, payroll details, and ensure smooth team collaboration.
  5. CRM (Customer Relationship Management): Monitor your sales pipeline, manage contacts, create and assign notes, and schedule meetings using a comprehensive CRM system.
  6. Invoice Creator and Management: Generate professional invoices with customizable templates. Keep track of payments, due dates, and billing history for a well-organized invoicing process.
  7. Quick Actions: Accelerate your workflow with one-click actions. Easily create new tasks, projects, clients, or invoices without leaving the main dashboard, saving you time and keeping your focus on business growth.

Key Features:

  1. Efficiency Boost: Stay organized and prioritize tasks effortlessly, leading to increased productivity and better results.
  2. Collaboration Improvement: Seamlessly manage projects, assign tasks, and collaborate effectively within your team.
  3. Financial Control: Maintain a clear overview of your company's financial status, ensuring healthy cash flow and informed decision-making.

With features like task and project management, finance control, CRM, and quick actions, you'll enjoy streamlined processes, improved collaboration, and simplified business management with this Company OS.

Template Available Here

Notion Hiring OS

Notion Hiring OS

Hiring taking up lot of time? Hiring OS is a game-changing Notion template designed to transform the way you handle your recruitment process. It's an ideal tool for businesses seeking to simplify and enhance their hiring process, providing a seamless experience for both employers and candidates.

What's Included:

  • Communication Tracking: Keep track of important emails and messages to prevent information from getting missed.
  • Streamlined Recruitment: Say goodbye to traditional, time-consuming recruitment methods that involve piles of resumes. With Hiring OS, you can manage job descriptions, team details, and track recruitment progress all in one centralized platform.
  • Interview Questions: Access a collection of over 250 interview questions to find the best candidate.
  • Email Templates: Use ready-to-use email templates for different stages of recruitment to save time and ensure consistency.
  • Effortless Onboarding: Initiate an easy onboarding process with just three clicks to help new hires transition smoothly.
  • Customizable Sharing: Choose what information to save and share to maintain an organized and efficient recruitment process.

Key Features:

  1. Filters: Easily discover the perfect candidate by swiftly filtering through job descriptions, team info, and recruitment progress.
  2. Automatic Forms: Save time with automatically generated forms for job descriptions, team info, and recruitment progress.
  3. Task Assignment: Assign tasks to team members and track their real-time progress.

Template Available Here

Notion Company OS

Notion Company OS for Notion

Another Company Os System in our list. So, this template is an  all-in-one solution for efficiently managing your company, from initial leads to project and task management, all the way to invoicing.

What's Included:

  • Project Management: Keep all your projects organized and running smoothly.
  • CRM (Customer Relationship Management): Manage leads, contacts, and clients effectively.
  • Finance Tracker: Gain clear insights into your company's financial health.
  • Clients Manager: Keep track of client interactions and improve service.
  • Team Manager: Collaborate seamlessly with your team.
  • Task Manager: Stay on top of your to-do list.
  • Invoice Creator: Generate professional invoices effortlessly.

Key Features

  • Easy Navigation: Navigate the template with simplicity.
  • Simple and Clean Layout: A user-friendly design for ease of use.

Template Available Here

Notion Startup OS

Launching a startup can be either a dream or a nightmare depending on the outcome. However, with Startup OS, you can at least consolidate your operation and plan, launch, and grow your startup in one place.

Startup OS includes over 60 ready-to-use templates, such as the Company Dashboard, Business Model Canvas, Value Proposition Canvas, Company OKRs, Business Portfolio Map, Team Alignment Map, Pitch Deck Creator, ROI Calculator, Marketing Strategy, Financial Statements, and many more.

Key Features:

  1. Process-Based Approach: Built on proven and evolving processes, Startup OS provides a structured path to success, guiding you step-by-step.
  2. Efficiency Boost: Convert your ideas into startups faster, save time on document searching, and focus on the most impactful tasks.
  3. Comprehensive Toolkit: From project and task management to financial control, keep your team, investors, and business organized and on track.

Startup OS is definitely a massive and comprehensive system for founders.

Template Available Here

Notion Business Hub

Feeling stressed managing your business? Notion Business Hub may be the solution for you. It's an all-in-one hub designed for businesses, companies, freelancers, creators, and agencies to streamline their processes, save time, and achieve their goals faster.

What's Included:

  1. Project Management: Effectively manage projects and tasks while tracking costs and team fees, ensuring smooth progress.
  2. Finance Management: Gain a clear view of your finances, track profits, manage invoices, and handle team payments with ease.
  3. Team Collaboration: Collaborate effortlessly with your team, assessing individual performances and insights.
  • OKR Goal Tracker: Set and track your company goals, dividing them into key results for better visibility.
  • Notes and Resources: Build a central hub for relevant notes and resources, facilitating information sharing.
  • Social Media Manager: Manage your social media presence, content strategy, publishing schedule, and even run ad campaigns.
  • Meetings: Schedule and conduct meetings with team members, fostering productive discussions and documentation.
  • CRM Client Manager: Organize your client pipeline, monitor project progress, schedule meetings, and manage invoices.

Template Available Here

Employee Onboarding OS

The Employee Onboarding OS is a comprehensive template designed to make the process of onboarding new team members a smooth and successful experience. Whether you're welcoming a new hire or starting a new role yourself, this template provides a structured approach to ensure clear objectives, effective knowledge transfer, and progress tracking.

What's Included:

  • Structured Onboarding: Adopt a systematic onboarding process with clear objectives and milestones for the first 30, 60, and 90 days.
  • Objective Setting: Utilize the proven 30-60-90 method to establish clear objectives and key results for new hires.
  • Progress Tracking: Easily monitor progress using visual progress bars, status updates, and completion estimations for key results and objectives.
  • Knowledge Transfer: Share vital company information, team introductions, mission details, and essential tools through a series of organized pages.

Key Features:

  1. Custom Views: Enjoy clarity and understanding through custom views that aid in visualizing progress.
  2. Connected Databases: Seamlessly connect databases for objectives, key results, tools checklist, and weekly manager meetings.

This kit, built from practical experience, focuses on effective orientation and quick navigation within the company. By sharing essential resources and setting clear goals, you're ensuring your new hires hit the ground running. Likewise, if you're the new joiner, this kit helps you excel in your new role efficiently.

Template Available Here

Team Performance OS

The Team Performance OS is a Notion-based tool designed to simplify and enhance the way you manage your team's growth and performance, especially during performance review periods. This  system offers a range of features to help team leaders and managers drive continuous improvement and development.

What's Included:

  • Performance Review and OKR Databases: Manage performance reviews and track OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) effortlessly.
  • Templates for Skill Development: Equip your team with templates for creating personal improvement plans and growth plans.
  • 360-Degree Performance Review Template: Evaluate achievements, performance, and aspirations in detail.
  • Calibration Views: Ensure fair evaluation between different teams with confidential calibration views.
  • Performance Journal Template: Keep track of team behaviors and observations.
  • Skills Gap Analysis Calculator: Identify areas for boosting team performance.

Who is this for? The template is a perfect solution for team leaders and managers seeking to improve team performance consistently and create a growth-focused environment. It's also suitable for organizations looking to upgrade their performance review process and promote a culture of development.

Template Available Here

Recruiting Hub for Notion

The Recruiting Hub template helps you make your recruitment process simpler and more efficient using Notion and NotionAI.

Recruitment is very important for company growth. This template makes it easier to organize your hiring pipeline, save time, and make better decisions using NotionAI.


  • General Dashboard: See ongoing job positions and easily access information about your recruitment processes.
  • Job Positions Database: Manage all job positions, track progress, related candidates, and document work.
  • Candidates Database: Keep track of all candidates, their interactions, and progress.
  • Interviews Database: Keep a history of interviews conducted for various job positions.
  • Database Templates: Use pre-designed templates within each database for easier data entry.
  • NotionAI Prompts: Use prompts and actions in NotionAI, even if you don't have NotionAI, you can use them with ChatGPT.

Key Features:

  1. Effective Management: Easily manage job positions, track candidate progress, and keep interview histories all in one place.
  2. Data-Driven Insights: Get statistics on candidate abilities and match them to job requirements.
  3. Process Optimization: Implement a structured interview process, document work systematically, and make informed decisions based on data.

Whether you're in charge of the recruitment process, managing human resources, or an entrepreneur building your team, the Recruiting Hub will make your recruitment journey simpler.

Template Available Here

Notion Business Model Canvas

Notion Business Model Canvas

The Notion Business Model Canva helps analyze, describe, visualize, and evaluate the potential of a business idea. It's designed to assist teams in fully understanding and articulating their business model, including how the business will generate value through creation, delivery, and capturing opportunities.

What's Included:

  • Structured Exploration: This tool guides you through a methodical process to break down and analyze the different components of your business model.
  • Visual Representation: Create a visual diagram to illustrate your business model, making it easier to communicate and understand.
  • Value Assessment: Assess how your business idea will create, deliver, and capture value in the market.

Template Available Here

Notion Company Home

Notion Company Home

Company Home, designed by the Notion Team, provides a centralized hub for essential information that every company requires to ensure smooth operations. It helps you store and organize key details, ensuring easy accessibility. The home can store your company's core mission and values and even a comprehensive employee directory, making it an invaluable resource for businesses.

What's Included:

  • Central Hub: A single location to consolidate and access crucial information that keeps your company running smoothly.
  • Mission and Values: Define and communicate your company's mission and values for clarity and alignment.
  • Employee Directory: Maintain a comprehensive directory of your employees' contact details and roles.

Template Available Here

Verve - Agile Project & Sprint Manager

Verve - Agile Project & Sprint Management Board is a practical tool designed to enhance your productivity through the Agile framework. This fully functional project and sprint management board simplifies the process of managing your projects, whether they're work-related or personal, by integrating Agile principles.

What's Included:

  • Agile Implementation: Utilize Agile methodologies to efficiently manage project deliverables and tasks, fostering increased productivity.
  • Project and Sprint Management: Organize projects based on size and phases (Initiation, Planning, Execution, Monitoring, Close Out). Plan sprints and link tasks to them using a Kanban view for easy tracking.
  • Sticky Note Wall: Quickly capture notes, ideas, and snippets onto virtual sticky notes, making it akin to jotting things down on paper. Organize notes by tags and archive when needed.

Template Available Here

SWOT Analysis Template

Notion SWOT Analysis Template

SWOT Analysis is a powerful method for objectively evaluating businesses. You can use this SWOT Analysis Notion Template to uncover obstacles and potential opportunities in your business. Whether you aim to make informed decisions, prioritize tasks, or reach your goals, this template will guide you through the process of conducting a SWOT analysis.

What's Included:

  • Step-by-Step Process: The template guides you through the essential steps of conducting a SWOT analysis.
  • Objective Assessment: Evaluate your business's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in a structured and organized manner.
  • Informed Decision-Making: Use the insights gained from the analysis to make informed decisions, set priorities, and work towards your goals.

Template Available Here

Real Example of a Business Owner using Notion

But do business owners really use Notion? The answer is a resounding yes. You can find tons of case studies, videos of business owners, and setup tutorials on YouTube. Here is one of them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use Notion for business? Is Notion good for business?

Yes! Notion provides a unified platform for businesses to create and maintain a centralized hub to streamline all aspects of their business.

Here are some ideas on how businesses can use Notion.

Project Management & Collaboration

For example, business owners can use Notion for project management and collaboration. Team members can update progress, share ideas, and assign tasks, fostering transparency and accountability. The real-time collaboration feature enables dispersed teams to work together as if they were in the same room.

Task and Workflow Management:From simple to-do lists to complex process flows, you can design workflows that match your business's unique requirements. This adaptability streamlines operations and minimizes bottlenecks, enhancing overall efficiency.

Database and CRM:Notion can also become your CRM (customer relationship management) tool. Using the database and kanban view, you can build a database to track leads, clients, or inventory. Customize databases with properties that matter most to your business, and then filter, sort, and analyze the data effortlessly.

Knowledge Sharing and Documentation:Effective knowledge sharing is crucial for continuous growth. Notion allows you to create detailed internal wikis, how-to guides, and best practices documents. These resources make sure that employees have a go-to place for information.

These are just some examples of how Notion can improve and make your business faster and more efficient. If you still have questions, check out the additional resources below.

Wrapping Up

Hands down, Notion is an incredibly powerful tool for businesses of all sizes. Thanks to its versatility and powerful database function, it can be used to streamline most (if not all) business operations. If you don’t know how to build one for yourself, you can just pick a template and start from there. So why not give it a try and see how it can transform your business operations?

Happy growing!

Additional Resources

Notion Beginner? Start Here